people let the labels they apply to others color their own thinking. And, they use
their hatred, usually unfounded hatred, as a lens to view those they hate. For
example, Nazis labeled the Jews avaricious and hated them for “corrupting the
Fatherland.” That justified confiscating Jewish property and ultimately,
the results of believing their own labeling and hatreds don’t always lead to disasters.
In Costa Mesa it’s just making a few people look silly.
Labeling vs. thinking
the last election we discussed labeling, and how it is usually intended to
convince by arousing emotion. It substitutes for reasoning. And, it often
results in two-dimensional views of a complex, multifaceted subject. It’s
usually unfair. Examples of labeling include; “he’s a nerd, she’s promiscuous,”
and “they tell lies all the time.” See blog
look at government transparency as an example of how labels and self-fueled
hate are making a Council member, a spokesperson for the Employees Association,
and a few who insist on labeling themselves as “grassroots” all look foolish.
Labeled without facts
the election we heard that candidate Mensinger was “anti-police, anti-union,
and anti-City-pensions.” None of this was demonstrated by what Mensinger said,
but it was promoted through “interpreting” his statements and ascribing motives
to him. “He says he supports police but he’s lying, he wants to outsource the
police department,” ran the argument.
was condemned for using an “old boys” network to make appointments, and for
dealing with City matters in “back room deals.” No proof or even a suggestion
of truth was ever offered for this accusation of corruption.
Positive data ignored
about their promised political agendas, about Righeimer’s humility and
religious beliefs, and about Mensinger’s values were ignored. The columns,
comments and articles provided information that conflicted with the fears and
hatreds – and that conflicted with the labels. Only one view could be true. The
folks who relied on labels and hatred chose to ignore evidence that conflicted
with their prejudices..
have the Sunshine Review, an independent organization that evaluates
government transparency across the country giving Costa Mesa an A+, one of 22
cities across the country to be graded so high. Costa Mesa was among the top
214 of 6000 cities rated for transparency in 2012, as well. Sunshine award info
another organization called the Sunlight
Foundation gave the State of California a “D” for transparency and California Forward was sharply
critical of the State and of many California cities for their (lack of) transparency.
Why so transparent
Costa Mesa’s transparency was lauded by independent outside agencies and rated above
California and other cities and states throughout the United States. One factor
in the awards was Mayor pro Tem Mensinger’s “COIN” ordinance. (Civic Openness In Negotiation) This law ensures
that voters are able to stay up to date on negotiations about the biggest
expenses facing Costa Mesa – personnel expenses. COIN Ordinance Text
the Mayor and Mayor pro Tempore are out visiting and viewing every foot of Costa Mesa. They
are holding “Meet the Mayor” events to give everyone, not just the “insiders” a
chance to ask questions, raise concerns, or just comment. That’s certainly a
chance for every Costa Mesa resident to learn about and to influence the City
think residents would be proud of these accomplishments and outreach. And most
are. But some…
Sour grapes attitude
Employee’s Association spokeswomen, and one Council member, vociferously
criticize the COIN ordinance as “not enough because it doesn't cover
everything.” That is, the ordinance that makes labor negotiations open to
public view isn't enough.
not? Because it doesn't set openness standards for contract negotiations for
supplies and services. (Supplies and services contracts are actually negotiated
by City staff, anyway, and can’t be influenced by City Council members, so it’s
a non-issue.) It doesn't cover zoning procedure discussions. It doesn't cover a
multitude of minor expenses and processes, many that the Council can’t even
seems like criticizing an airline as “not safe enough” because it distributes
stale peanuts and flat sodas during a flight.
Say it often and you'll believe
of these people actually start to believe each other – and themselves. And not
just about the Mayor and Mayor pro Tem.
same group of “Anti-everything” folks warned us solemnly against voting for the
proposed charter: “It will open up the City to no-bid contracts.” As we pointed out at the time, that was
patently false. However, they convinced enough voters to reject the charter. (Of
course, three-quarters of a million dollars from outside interests to help them
get their misinformation printed and mailed to voters helped a lot.)
would make you think that the little “grassroots” group and the Councilwoman
were fearful of contracts to spend public money without insisting on getting the
best price for what Costa Mesa needed. You’d think they’d be outraged at any
hint of significant “no-bid” contracts, especially one awarded to a political
Not so
be wrong. They aren't concerned about the no-bid, sweetheart contract issued by
Costa Mesa’s Sanitation Department. And the increased rates the Board passed to
pay for the non-bid-contracted services?
Not even a word from the “grassroots”
folks or the Councilwoman. No complaints from any of them. It’s not the corrupt
practice that offends them, nor the chance that the corruption would even be
possible. It’s their hatred for a couple of Council members that matters, not
no-bid contracts.
Fool themselves, look foolish
people surely look foolish when they fool themselves with their own propaganda,
labels, and, yes, their own hatred. It’s time to let go of the hatreds and the
labels; the election is over.
Mesa is facing both problems and opportunities right now. Let’s help our City with
rational discourse about facts. And let’s ignore the foolish few who see only
through the perspective of their prejudices.
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