Who's in control, them or us
Locus of control is actually a term with specific meaning for
use in Personality Science studies. But we can use it to develop a perspective
on the Charter being developed in Costa Mesa. Let’s start with a model.
One summer two six-year-olds build tree houses on opposite sides
of the city, and use them as headquarters for “private clubs.” One names their
club “Avenging Pirates” and the other paints “Bestest Club of All” on the
walls. Both recruit friends to join their clubs.
The Bestest leader relies on her mom, who tells her to invite
the “little girl across the street because nobody likes her.” Mom also bakes
cupcakes, makes lemonade and takes the small group on outings. They learn to tolerate
the members mom chose and to be entertained by trips mom suggests. They
carefully follow all of mom’s rules, like “be home for dinner” and “don't run
up the ladder” and “don’t argue with each other.”
The Pirates do -- but not always smoothly or well
The Pirates club attracts kids, who enjoy being together, and
they tend to break a few home rules – for example they all carry pocket knives
and sharpen sticks, and they make pea shooters from weeds to torment their siblings.
Generally, though, they're governed by parental guidelines – and local laws. They
organize fishing excursions, dig caves, and have fun together.
When school starts the Bestest’s get a teacher’s advice and
begin recruiting “those of different ethnicities.” Their club grows until
contentions surface and mushroom. The club dissolves before Halloween from the
widely differing opinions with no ability among the leaders to gain cooperation.
They haven't learned to lead or compromise; mom always intervened and smoothed
things over – until the rifts got too big.
The Pirates grow, too, and their activities wax and wane. At
Halloween they “trick or treat” together, and by Christmas season they’re
selling trees to raise funds for homeless dogs.
Internal or external locus of control
So the Bestest believed control of their direction and
operations should be from authority; mom and then teacher. Both mom and teacher
had the club’s best interest at heart, but they also had personal agendas that
affected the club. Mom didn't want the unpopular girl’s mom to compete with her
in the upcoming PTA elections, and the teacher wanted to add “diversity
promotion” to her resume.
The Pirates solved problems, making mistakes but developing
better techniques as they went. They succeeded because of their commitment,
independence, and enterprise. They believed that control of their direction and
activities lay with them.
Both clubs had the similar populations to draw from, both were
governed overall by parental rules (and city laws), and both started well. Over
time, the differences in what they accomplished (and learned) lie in whether
they believed they could handle their own affairs and direct their own course. Internal or external locus, if you will: perception
of whether what happens depends on “us” or on “them.”
Now consider the difference between a charter city and a general
law city. Eerily similar, isn't it?