Against logic there is no armor like
J. Peter
When friends no-bid. . .
We've seen lots of articles and comments about the
non-bid, “Evergreen” contract Costa Mesa’s Sanitation folks have endorsed. (Evergreen
contracts are automatically renewed without review. The elected officials
responsible for Costa Mesa’s money don’t have to bother to evaluate what Costa Mesa
is getting for its money.) The Sanitation District’s Board is a model we’ll use for discussion
of “legal vs. ethical and moral” issues.
Morals and Ethics
Webster’s Dictionary
defines Moral as “relating to principles of right and wrong”
and Ethical as “conforming to an accepted standard of conduct.” In other words, morals are
what is right or wrong for an individual and ethics are what is considered
right or wrong by the people surrounding the individual.
The United States was founded in part because
of unethical special preferences. British citizens in Britain had more rights
and privileges than those in the colonies. Even worse, Colonists faced “the king can break no law, the king is
the law.” Part of the reason patriots bravely faced the ire of their “politically
correct” neighbors and risked their lives fighting the Redcoats, was to have a home where the law
applied equally to all, whether rich or poor, connected or outcast.
Like pre-Revolutionary times
Law, in California, is selectively applied,
as it was in the colonies before the Revolutionary war. We have exemptions for
those in power, and exemptions for those the present government wants to
For example, legislators, police officers, and
their spouses can double park, drive alone in the car pool lane, and take
advantage of additional perks that having “non-listed” license plates allows.
People who sneaked into the US illegally get
free medical care and education, and get special treatment when they are stopped
by traffic officers – essentially, they’re exempt from some of the laws that govern the
rest of us.
No-bid privileges and grudges
Closer to home, PACs collect money from the
trash hauler, CR&R, and distribute it to the candidates who will vote for
the CR&R’s contract extension. The extension prevents subjecting the prices
and services to scrutiny or to competitive pressure. According to board member
Ferryman, the contract extensions “avoid the expense” of asking for competitive
bids or RFPs (request for proposal).
The board is willing
to spend money suing to remove member Fitzpatrick, though. What did Jim do to provoke the board to spend
city money to get rid of him? He objected to rubber stamping the current
contract, and asked for a competitive bid process. And:
Board President Bob
Ooten said, "Fitzpatrick announced that he was going to get two more
people elected in 2012 (to replace Director Art Perry and Director Jim Ferryman)"
and "that's why the legal action started." Fitzpatrick wanted more
votes on the Board to help get competitive bids.
(The surface excuse is Jim may or may not
have held an incompatible position when he was elected to the board. He
subsequently resigned that position, so it’s a moot point.)
As columnist Jack Wu said, “The
board is unwilling to try to save the taxpayers' money by going out to bid, but
have no problem spending it because of personal grudges.”
Legal but fails the smell test
The board’s action is apparently legal. And
the senior VP of the CR&R said that their contributions were legal. That
brings up ethical, pertaining to right and wrong conduct. One of the lobbyists
who helped funnel the monies said he was comfortable with what he did. He didn't argue ethics or morality; he just acknowledged his “comfort.”
During the Costa Mesa election labor unions
statewide and a small, local group protested the proposed charter because it “opens
no-bid contracts and cronyism.” It happens that they were grossly, possibly
knowingly, wrong about that matter. Nevertheless, they used the threat of
no-bid contracts to conjure images of Costa Mesa falling into corruption like
Bell and into financial failure like Sacramento and San Bernardino.
But the group, like their candidates, supports the no-bid trash contracts “approved” by the Sanitation Board. (See blog 5 Oct for the candidates’ excuses for their support of the No-Bid contracts and “no-bidding” Sanitation candidates.Here)
They grant exemptions from the evil of no-bids for their friends. But the group remains silent as thugs throw bricks through an opposing candidate’s windows. They ignore videoed slashing of their opponents’ signs. They speak no evil of those who falsely report a candidate’s drunk driving, or of those who try to provoke a Council Member to violate his morals and ethics.
History repeats
Yup, it’s a repeat, albeit on a small, local scale. Remember that many remained silent as Hitler took over Germany? Hitler had only a small group of very vocal supporters. Many Germans remained quiet – and granted him exemptions from law, and morals and ethics by their silence.Elliott Ness was maligned by enemies, shot at, suborned, and insulted even by supporters for being a camera hog. That sounds like what’s been and is being written about Jim Righeimer and Jim Fitzpatrick.
It's immoral but it's OK because
Two thousand years ago, how did the hypocrites rationalize their support of Pontius Pilot? Perhaps they said, “Yes, it’s bad to crucify (perceived) opponents, but in this case it’s OK. We’ll grant Pilot an exemption because we don’t like the man he crucified.” And, if asked, Pilot would probably have said he was comfortable with his decision, once he’d washed his hands.Fortunately, 2000 years ago in the East, and early in the 20th Century throughout the US, and now in Costa Mesa, some folks stand up and insist on ethical and moral behavior. They persist even when thugs hate them and try to intimidate them. They “stay the course” when a small, local/vocal group supports the thugs and insults those who want ethical conduct.
And some Costa Mesans believe that the law should apply to everyone. They insist that government officials should use their power to help the City, not themselves and their cronies. They support “the Jim's;” Righeimer and Fitzpatrick.
I’m one of them.
Dennis, another excellent post. It should be published in other forums.
ReplyDeleteThere is a tremendous injustice you correctly point out. Soon we will see the same folks try to oust Mayor Righeimer via a recall. Their reasons are different but the underlining motivations are the same. They are obsessed with hate. They like their double standard, want their goodies and they feel both Jims are trying to take it away from them. Their hate blinds them and they only see conspiracy and scandal.
Anyone that has met or worked with either Jim knows they are decent, honest hard workers trying to do what is right for the citizens of Costa Mesa.