Charter, again and more
We've discussed how a Charter can be developed before, but the wave of nonsense seems
to return. A charter is an initiative, and, like all initiatives, can be
proposed by citizens (a percentage of registered voters agree it should be on
the next ballot) or by the City Council. Then we, the voters, decide.
How it was developed
like most important documents, are usually developed by a single person or a small
group of people passionate about the subject, then tested, modified, and
finally subjected to the final authority. In the case of marriage contracts,
purchase agreements, and most any legal document, pieces are “cut and pasted”
to get the best out of all the work others have done before.
the breast beating chants of, “it was cut and pasted…it’s the work of one man,”
and such are disingenuous at best. That’s how the Declaration of Independence
was written, and tested and improved until it was finally issued. We don’t know
if Jefferson was called as many names as Righeimer has been (called), but we are sure that he used paper rather than data strings to paste together the best ideas
available for his document.
It matters not
any case, who cares? The Charter’s designed to give Costa Mesa control of her
money. Almost everything the city does will continue exactly as before, same
laws and penalties and procedures. A few items, that are inimical to union
officialdom, do change. So the dangerous Charter, AKA “the monster under the
bed,” is just a dust bunny to Costa Mesa’s citizens, and we need to move on.
candidates assured us they were not supported by big labor, but the
endorsements by AFL-CIO give lie to their assurances. These are the
“nay-sayers” who have proposed little except opposition to the progress we've made in budget, transparency, and governing. That is, Genis, Weitzberg, and
were endorsed by the Orange County Register as having viable plans for dealing
with Costa Mesa’s problems and improving her infrastructure. These three are
Mensinger, McCarthy, and Monahan.
Identified, then promised
candidate published an open list of what he believes Costa Mesa needs, what
dangers she faces, and how he proposes to deal with both the needs and the
dangers. This is Mensinger.
opponents are crying, “No to the Three Ms, No to the Charter, No to outsourcing”
– but to retain at least a little credibility they agree that a Charter is
probably needed, but “not this one,” and “not one made this way.” And they
agree that transparency is needed but it “should cover everything” that anybody
talks about, but they have no practical suggestions. They just oppose, vilify,
and protest.
Know the ropes or learn. . .or not
of course, is very well versed in matters concerning City government. At
coffees and Candidates’ forums he, and Mensinger, and newcomer McCarthy
demonstrate a good grasp of the issues and intimate familiarity with the
massive studies done so far on outsourcing, labor negotiations, and Charters,
and with the processes necessary to get stuff done.
of the nay-sayers, Genis and Stephens, admitted during the Feet to the
Fire forum that they weren't familiar with the studies or background
information and would have to read up on the studies (which have been conducted over
the past two years and are readily available). I guess it's not surprising that they oppose instead of propose -- needs less research, less thinking.
Repeated instead of developed (ideas)
reminds us she didn't cause all the City’s problems when she was mayor, years
ago, and Stephens reminds us he’s a lawyer and he has an office in Newport
Beach and he’s an active supporter of Fountain Valley sports. And he opposes
the Charter as very dangerous (like organized labor says it is).
other nay-er, Weitzberg, wants to shout down people who disagree with him and
wants Costa Mesa to limit the number of marijuana dispensaries – somehow.
Summing up
we can sum up the political situation going into the weekend as:
people; don’t like the way the Charter was developed (that is, like the
Declaration of Independence), so they urge us to vote against it. “Let's teach ‘em a
lesson; we'll eat worms!”
unions will lose excess power and the organizers will have to work harder to
collect political donations under the charter. Not much else will change.
of the candidates, AKA the Three Ms, are well-informed, have solid plans, and,
two of them have a record of remarkable accomplishments on the Council
including award-winning transparency and a balanced budget with increasing
reserves. Both recognize that they've made mistakes, and, in Mensinger’s case,
have struck people as being abrasive in his one-way, “get it done” approach.
candidate out-yells opposition and supports medical
marijuana through local dispensaries; one is a lawyer and knows what good law
is. And one is pretty and pert and even giddy, but she didn't cause the City’s
problems while she was mayor.
Supporters define their candidates
of the nay-sayers complain, ascribe motives, and call Council Members names at
just about every meeting I have visited. They flash distracting and insulting
signs and sometimes obscene gestures at the Council members during meetings and
during forums. These are the supporters of Genis, Stephens, and Weitzberg.
Supporters of the three-Ms, McCarthy, Monahan, and Mensinger,
sponsor coffee meetings to explore issues with the candidates,
compliment the Council members and City staff when they make their citizens
comments at Council meetings, and address supporters and opponents alike with
respect in the meeting halls.
What am I missing
must be missing something here. It shouldn't be that clear-cut. Perhaps one of the anti-everything folks or a
(probably dyspeptic) angry blogger will be able to set me straight.
then, that’s how I see it.