Newer Propaganda Techniques
Many of the propaganda techniques we've discussed were
identified in the 1930’s, and have been changing and developing since. More
were developed and studied, especially during the Vietnam War era. And some
techniques are relatively new. One of these is called “Astroturfing.”
According to Wikipedia, Astroturfing refers to “political,
advertising or public relations campaigns that are designed to mask the
sponsors of the message to give the appearance of coming from a disinterested, grassroots participant.”
The “Big
Lie” is an older technique that was popular during early WWII days, with Hitler
famous (or infamous) for its use. The phrase was used in a report prepared
during the war by the United States Office of Strategic Services (OSS)
describing Hitler's psychological profile:
His primary rules were: never allow the public to cool off; never
admit a fault or wrong; never concede that there may be some good in your
enemy; never leave room for alternatives; never accept blame; concentrate on
one enemy at a time and blame him for everything that goes wrong; people will
believe a big lie sooner than a little one; and if you repeat it frequently
enough people will sooner or later believe it.
Let's build an imaginary campaign
use these techniques to develop a propaganda campaign for Costa Mesa to learn
more about how they are used.
this exercise we'll pretend to be a wealthy, eccentric male who hates cats and doesn't want them anywhere near his home. We know that there are a lot of cat
lovers in Costa Mesa, so a direct campaign isn't likely to be useful. So, to
start, we'll open two groups in the City, first a “Birds deserve to live, too”
group (BD2L2), and second, an "Institute for Stopping Coyote Attacks Now” (I4SCAN).
BD2L2 into the fray
one, the BD2L2 group will petition the City Council for an ordinance to require
all cats to wear bells when outside – with significant fines for owners who
fail to comply. This will be financed by a “bell fee.” The group will send out
mailers “educating” Costa Mesa citizens about the “very reasonable” requirement
to have cats send a warning to keep birds safe. It’ll paint those who object as
“cruel and hateful to birds.”
I4SCAN gets going
the meantime, the other group, I4SCAN, will apply for grants to study the “increasing
dangers of coyote attacks in Costa Mesa.” In order to bring this grant money
into the city, we'll have to collect a little data, though; we want to know how
many cats turn up missing each week, so we'll petition the City Council for an
ordinance to require cat owners to file weekly reports on the status of their
cats. In order to pay for the processing the Council will be encouraged to
charge a fee for licensing and collecting data on each cat.
Imply something terrible to make 'em comply
will send out mailers with headlines like, “Are Coyotes going to be Costa Mesa’s
‘JAWS?’” and “How Many Coyote Attacks on Children Will it Take?” Both groups
can use the same bulk mailing permit, printer, and secretary.
Few "real" people needed
fact, all we, as the cat-hating guy, need for this operation is a couple of
people. They each will assume differing personas, depending on which group they
are blogging and commenting to support. To help them remember who they are at
the moment they’ll keep separate avatars for each identity. (In the real world,
commercial astroturfers use up to around 70 different personas and have been
found to be generally effective if they aren't exposed too soon.)
Repeat said the Master Propagandist
We'll keep repeating our slogans over and over, and by having the slogans appear
simultaneously in separate publication we’ll imply a deluge of public opinion.
In time, cat owners will be so overburdened with fees, fines, and rules, that many
will change pet species and get rid of their cats.
some of those who persist will lose their easily-found cats to predators.
We win and it's cheap
an effective blow for cat-haters everywhere, and it only needed one full-time
and two part-time propagandists. And, no Costa Mesa citizen knew what the real
goal was, nor who promoted it. The project was “Astroturfed” and supported by
the Big Lie implying terrific danger to children from coyote attack.
But don't you dare question us
critical thinker might have questioned the different groups using the same
printer and mailing permit, or might wonder where the coyote attack danger was
documented. If that person were too nosy, or too outspoken before we reached
our goal, we'd just crush her with insults, labels, and criticisms of her hair
style. If she didn’t get distracted, well, maybe keying her car or tossing a
brick through her window would convince her to shut up.
Blaming the wrong people
the good part is folks will be pointing fingers and leveling accusations at cat
owners, coyote haters, and bird lovers--not at us. And we'll sit back and giggle as we get
what we want.
techniques are being used right now in Costa Mesa, but not about cats. Astroturfing
is healthy, vigorous, and in frequent use in Costa Mesa during this election.
And so is the Big Lie technique.
for them as you use critical thinking to decide whom and what to support with your
Cast your vote based on facts and logic
Mesa needs votes based upon fact and logic, not upon slogans and unwarranted fears..
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