We are advised
to use “critical thinking” before we vote. But exactly how do we do Critical
Let’s start
with a definition of what critical thinking means in this blog. We’ll use that
of R.H. Ennis in a 1987 book about it: Critical thinking is a type of reasonable, reflective
thinking that is aimed at deciding what to believe or .
. . do.
1941 Edward Glaser called Critical Thinking "A persistent effort to
examine any belief or supposed form of knowledge in the light of the evidence
that supports it and the further conclusions to which it tends." This
definition adds “persistent effort” to our working definition.
Strong Critical Thinking tries to establish evidence through observation, context, and
relevance. Closely related, Reason, is the capacity
for consciously making sense of things, for establishing and verifying facts, to guide changing or
justifying practices and beliefs.
So, we want
to consciously make sense of the competing claims in Costa Mesa elections, persistently
establish and verify facts and collect evidence through observation, context,
and relevance. Thus we’ll establish rational criteria for casting our votes, in spite of
the efforts of propagandists.
Example for practice
We'll use the mailer which used pretend gangsters in a pretend dark back room to generate
fear of our proposed Charter for an example.
Since we've looked at the Charter, the focus of that particular mailer, in some depth, we
know that the warnings are not based on facts. As part of this exercise,
though, we can collect other relevant data; who paid for and distributed the
mailer? A Sacramento and a local Political Action Committee. These committees essentially
spend money not officially belonging to a candidate or issue to influence voters.
Relevance and context
Then we can
observe the evidence for relevance and context: that mailer had a picture of a city that wasn't Costa Mesa, as well as the “politically correct gangsters” (unlit cigars
without ashtrays). And it included a picture of the Bell official in handcuffs
being escorted by police.
Are Bell
thieves pertinent to Costa Mesa’s Charter? Well, no; some Bell Council Members set
high compensation for themselves, but our Charter requires all pay and benefit
increases to be vetted by ballot, so the Bell official in cuffs is irrelevant.
The city and gangsters are clearly irrelevant.
Are their bankruptcies relevant
The mailer
had warnings about cities that had Charters declaring Bankruptcy. Is this relevant?
In this situation, no, since the Costa Mesa Charter does not contain the
union-benefitting articles that those cities’ unions had incorporated into
their charters.
It does
provide a caution for the future, though, since some of the Anti-almost
everything candidates want a different charter with more diverse input; the
bankrupt cities’ charters had input from organized labor.
What was relevant
From the
mailer we got the relevant information that PACs in Sacramento and Costa Mesa
paid for it, and that the PACs were associated with Big Labor organizations.
That is, the mailer taught us that Sacramento-based unions didn't want Costa
Mesa to adopt a Charter.
Persistent effort,
such as by reading the Charter, revealed that Big Labor would be affected
by at least a couple of its provisions; first, “prevailing wage” or paying the labor
rates specified from Sacramento would be unnecessary, which would save Costa
Mesa money. That also affects the power of the unions to force contractors to
use only union labor which increases union-only jobs. And, second, the provision
that political contributions can not be collected as payroll deductions will
greatly increase the work necessary to collect the political “contributions”
mandated from the Sacramento Headquarters.
Since both
members and non-members have to pay dues to the City employee unions, and since
most political assessments are simply demanded and collected – very often from
both union members and non-members* – this provision closes off an easy opportunity to
collect political “contributions” from paychecks.
So, our
initial analysis showed the messages irrelevant and appealing to fear rather
than to logic and facts. It showed that the mailer was funded by Big Labor
organizations headquartered in Sacramento. It demonstrated that accuracy and context were irrelevant to the mailer’s designers in that they didn't bother to get an
actual picture of Costa Mesa, nor to set up the back room filled with gangsters
And, a
little persistence in our analysis developed a plausible reason for Big Labor
to incite fear: to increase votes against the Charter. Five minutes with an
Anti-Charter mailer and we've collected sufficient reasons to ignore its
message, and some good indications that Costa Mesa will be better off with the
Charter. That's not yet complete information to support a Yes vote from this one
Anti-mailer, but it shows how Critical Thinking can even reverse the messages of some propaganda.
This has been an
example of using critical thinking to examine a mailer. We collected the data,
checked it for accuracy and relevance, and processed what we learned to make
sense of the whole message. Critical Thinking contributes to our ability to
cast votes for the best candidates and for the best interests of Costa Mesa.
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