The June 4 post stated: “overcrowded prisons send overflow prisoners to County jails...”
The responsibility for incarcerating low-level prisoners was transferred from State prisons to county jails by (bill) AB109. Prisoners themselves aren’t transported from their prison cells to county jails; they’re just never transported to prison in the first place.
Wait for a prison cell -- or not
criminals usually wait in County jails for transport to prison. However, many
of those convicted of nonviolent, non-sexual, non-serious (non-non-non) crimes
now remain in County jails for their entire sentence.
essential to know that many of those arrested on multiple charges, some very serious,
are allowed to plea bargain to a lesser charge, and the serious (and more
time-consuming to prosecute) charges are dropped. Then the perpetrator can
serve his (or her) sentence in a county jail.
It happens like this
example, as reported February 24 in the Santa Clarita County Signal, an
easily-identified parolee ripped a smart phone off a store’s stand and ran
away. He was arrested for second-degree commercial burglary, carrying a
concealed weapon (a stolen and loaded pistol), possession of meth, taking a car
without permission, and receiving stolen property.
pleaded no contest to driving a car without the owner’s permission and all
other charges were dropped. He was previously convicted, he violated parole, he
had drugs and stolen goods in his backpack, he was armed – but he became a “non-non-non”
offender for the purposes of AB 109.
sentencing guidelines allow him to be released, without probation, after
serving half of his sentence.
And in Costa Mesa
like him who were released from OC Jail used to be routinely bussed to Costa
Mesa. The idea was plenty of food and services are available here. Now the
prisoners are distributed to local cities more equitably.
the meantime, criminals who serve their sentences in prison may be picked up by
friends or family upon release. Then they return to Costa Mesa. This is a
consequence of having crime niduses in the city.
gravitate to Costa Mesa after release from prison. If they are convicted sex
offenders they can camp in parks near schools, and be as close to
playgrounds as they desire – as long as they list their address as “homeless.” Homeless
sex offenders simply wander over to the City building to register every month.
Livin' the good life, street version
storage facilities, free food, medical and dental care, and plenty of lawn
available, they camp in the City parks. Cash for drugs, booze and other desires?
Panhandling or stealing will do.
Up to us -- completely
involvement, focused patrol, and eliminating the crime niduses will reduce crime
in Costa Mesa.
our responsibility to reduce crime. If we don’t report graffiti and suspicious
activity we get the crime we deserve.
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