few commenters posted about a perceived conflict they saw in interviews with
the Mayor and the Chief of Police. They want to see one as “right” and the
other “wrong.”
of the use of statistics is in order. Two models:
Two Paradigms
a new grad is offered two jobs, one in Detroit and one in Austin. She notes the
demographics of a younger population in Austin and anticipates a great nightlife and lots of single, active people like her. The demographics for Detroit
suggest an older population, high unemployment, and a very high violent crime
she be in more danger in Detroit? Probably, but that’s not proven. (For
example, if she’s lived in Detroit she knows where not to go, what not to say,
and how to reduce her risks.) The relative danger posed by Detroit is a
reasonable assumption, although it may not be factual.
young man also received two job offers, one from a firm in Palo Alto, and one
from a firm in Long Beach. As he follows up with each he asks for a career
projection; “where will I be in three years? What HR programs do you have to
guide my career?”
the woman used assumptions based upon demographic information to make a choice.
The young man analyzed policies and statistics to get an accurate appraisal of
the odds he faced in his “upward mobility.” They had different information needs
for their decisions.
Mayor and Chief need different info
the Mayor observed that, as both the early release of prisoners (through new sentencing guidelines and plea bargaining) (Release) and more-dangerous
prisoners released from local jails paralleled increased crime complaints in Costa Mesa. His responsibility as an executive is to anticipate
needs for resources. He’s satisfied that the parallel increases, although not
proof, indicate that increased resource needs are likely.
Chief of Police needs specific data with clearly-demonstrated causes to plan
solutions. Declaring a “diagnosis” of
the cause and developing the “plan of care” to address it would be premature if
the cause is not proven. (Medical Problem solving)
example, if the cause of a crime uptick turned out to be more homeless people
in the City, task forces monitoring and addressing the early-release prisoners would
be futile and a waste of resources. Or, if he discovered that increased
violence resulted from timid officer contacts he could institute training to
change officer image and behavior. He needs specific causes to formulate
specific plans.
Getting the data
more parolees are checked for compliance, more problem motels are inspected and
more criminals are identified and arrested, he can analyze how many police
contacts and arrests involved the locally-released
dangerous criminals. He needs specific information to make specific plans.
needs, with Mayor Righeimer and Chief Gazsi both collecting and
Insults and snide remarks do nothing but define the commenter.(Insults define insulter)
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